Article No. 0828

Check Your Course
Chart It With God’s Word

“Thy word is
A lamp unto my feet and
A light unto my path.”

Psalm 119:105

GodsChartIsAlwaysTrue Navigating life can sometimes be exciting – but other times perplexing. Knowing Where To Go and What Direction To Start Heading is critical.

Let’s say you wanted to sail from Honolulu to San Francisco. If you were off by just ONE compass degree either way of the correct heading, you’d land hundreds of miles off course north or south! That’s why knowing how to read the chart and set and stay on the proper heading are vital in order to arrive safely at your destination.

As today’s scripture says, to reliably get there we need a sure light to guide our path, and that light and 'chart' is God’s Word. Following the instructions in it are all that is needed to safely pass through the rough seas of this life to the safe harbor of eternal life.

Friend, you can always rely on HIS WORD to steer you in the right direction because His Word and His PATH is always TRUTH.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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