Article No. 0032

God’s Love Is Radical

"I have loved you
with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving kindness"

Jeremiah 31:3

His Love Is

Total, Complete, Constant, Loving,
Extreme, Sweeping, Far-reaching, Embracing,
Major, Profound, Passionate, Kind, Tender,






A relationship with God is like no other relationship you have experienced. God’s love is radical and unique for you. It is unconditional. God loves you because He loves you. He does not love you based on your performance. There is nothing you can do to cause God to love you more than He already does - there is nothing that will cause Him to love you less. He loves you far more than you love yourself.

As Christians, our faith in God and Christ rests in what God has revealed about Himself to us. (re-read the top of this message). He specifically wants us to believe and rely on His radical love for us.

My friend, if you have never experienced God’s radical love, how can you resist Him? How could you wait another day to know Him? To fall in love with Him? Oh, please open you heart. There will never be another love like His for you. Personally I know, because we as Christians are one in His love. Don’t let another day go by.

Let’s Pray Together

Heavenly Father, it is amazing to know you love me so unconditionally, expecting me to be myself and nothing more. I want to feel your love inside my heart, and I want to know you are real. I want to believe that YOU alone created the universe and you alone created me. Please help me to stop my rebellion against knowing you. I think I may be afraid. I don’t know why. Help me to have faith in you and your Son, Jesus and to know that there is nothing to be afraid of in knowing you. Please remove the blocks that have been in my way and help me to see you for who You truly are. I ask these things in your Son Jesus’ name, Amen.

Please read Psalm 103, John 15 and 1 John 4 to note all the ways God loves you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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