Article No. 0833

The Difference Between
'It Broke'
“I Dropped It”

“People who conceal their sins
Will not prosper
But if they confess and turn from them
They will receive mercy.”

Proverbs 28:13

ItBroke It has been said that a true test of one’s character is doing the right thing when no one was looking. This is especially true when we make a grievous error that we could be held responsible for, yet we had a convenient way of side-stepping accountability for it. While we may get away with it in that moment, the Bible gently reminds us that “The Eyes of the Lord” are always upon us, even when the eyes of others are absent.

You see, God ALWAYS respects righteousness and loathes lying. Although no one may be watching, God is always watching – not simply to punish – but through the Holy Spirit, always encouraging us in our spirit to do the right thing, because when we do comes the promise:

“The blessing of the LORD,
it maketh rich, and
he addeth no sorrow with it.”

Proverbs 10:22

Friend, when we act in a godly way, God’s promise is Always Blessing. Therefore seek and confess honesty and righteousness, and not only will you never go wrong, but you’ll always be a recipient of blessings and PROSPER!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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